The 25th annual Western Massachusetts Pagan Pride Day

The 25th annual Western Massachusetts Pagan Pride Day will happen on Saturday, September 28, from 10:00 am through 6:00 pm in downtown Northampton at the plaza on Kirkland Ave between Thorne’s Marketplace and the parking garage.

WMPPD is one of many Pagan Pride Day events that take place worldwide. As a nonprofit organization, we strive to establish awareness of earth-centered belief systems in our local communities. People of all faiths or none, and all walks of life are invited to join us to learn about and celebrate paganism.

There is no admission fee to the event, however we ask that you bring a cash (or Venmo) donation for our food drive to support the Northampton Survival Center.

Come expecting to find information about paganism in many of its forms, experience an open harvest ritual, live musical entertainment, workshops and many vendors for a fun, family friendly community-driven event. There are a number of restaurants and cafes in the area, so plan to come and stay a while!

Western Mass Pagan Pride Day is an open and affirming event. We welcome all people of all beliefs or none, of all colors, genders and sexes, and expressions of sexuality, with open arms. You are welcome at WMPPD. We do not tolerate any form of prejudice or discrimination based on any of these factors. We affirm that every person has the right to be and identify in any way they choose.

More details:


The Taste of Northampton


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